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2024暑期研習 報名開始囉!

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PiTray mini 樹莓派 CM4 IO載板

PiTray mini 樹莓派 CM4 IO載板


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{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
數量 組合數量
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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每筆訂單限購 {{ product.max_order_quantity }} 件

現庫存只剩下 {{ quantityOfStock }} 件


PiTray mini is a Model B liked carrier board for building cluster with Raspberry Pi Computed Module 4 (CM4). PiTray mini focuses on providing a neat and budget solution for CM4 applications. With the same outline and mounting holes with Raspberry Pi Model B, it can be stacked upon the existed cluster. CM4 got some advantages over Raspberry Pi 4B in industrial applications. With the variants that embed eMMC storage, no matter solo setup or cluster application would be much more reliable and fast on disk I/O. At the same time, since CM4 provides models without wifi and Bluetooth chip, the new cluster would be more efficient in energy consumption, the O/S could disable these modules to save its computing resource. What cluster builders look for is a minimal layout with solid module mounting with powering and Gigabit Ethernet. PiTray mini got all of that.

Moreover, PiTray mini acts as a good starter kit for CM4. For CM4 variants with eMMC, there is an eMMC boot switch on board that just makes it a lot easier to flash Operation System image to eMMC, no need to spend time to figure out which pins should be connected to make the job done. It also includes a micro SD card socket to support CM4 Lite (without eMMC and requires a micro SD card).

To fit Compute Module 4 on a business card size carrier, PiTray mini does not include DSI, CSI sockets, audio jack, dual micro HDMI or USB3.0 hub because they are seldom applied in cluster building. Instead, it provides only one USB2.0, full-size HDMI, and HAT connectors that come natively from the chip. So it would still work sufficiently and economically for HTPC maker, RetroPie fans, and the majority of regular Raspberry Pi users, offering a similar experience to Raspberry Pi Model B.


  • CM4 socket   ×1
  • Set of standard Raspberry Pi HAT connectors   ×1
  • Standard HDMI 2.0 connector   ×1
  • Gigabit Ethernet RJ45 socket   ×1
  • Native USB 2.0 connector   ×1
  • SD card socket for CM4 variants without eMMC   ×1
  • USB Type-C connector for powering and also programming eMMC variants of CM4   ×1
  • Boot Mode Switch for programming mode and normal mode   ×1
  • RUN button for easy reset   ×1
  • Red Power LED   ×1
  • Green Activity LED   ×1
  • Mounting holes for CM4   ×2
  • CM4 corner marks for CM4 position guidance   ×4
  • Input power: +5V
  • Dimensions: 85 mm x 56 mm


  • PiTray mini ×1




  • 郵寄掛號 (未滿一千元須加運費60元;會員滿千免運)
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  • 7-11 純取貨 (運費60元)
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  • 全家 純取貨 (運費60元)
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  • 銀行轉帳 (請於3日內匯款完成)
  • 信用卡 (金額需要滿三千元才能使用)
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{{'product.product_review.no_review' | translate}}