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2024暑期研習 報名開始囉!

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MAIX R6+1 Microphone Array

MAIX R6+1 Microphone Array

貨號: MCI0012

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{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
數量 組合數量
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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每筆訂單限購 {{ product.max_order_quantity }} 件

現庫存只剩下 {{ quantityOfStock }} 件




MAIX是Sipeed的專用模組,是為了在邊緣運行AI,我們稱之為AIoT。它以較小的物理和電源佔用空間提供了高性能、可在邊緣部署高精度AI,而具有競爭力的價格使其可嵌入到任何IoT設備中。如您所見,Sipeed MAIX非常像Google Edge TPU,但是它充當主控制器,而不是像Edge TPU那樣的加速器,因此它比AP + edge TPU解決方案更低成本,更省電。



  • MAix's CPU

    • In hardware, MAIX have powerful KPU K210 inside, it offers many excited features:
    • 1st competitive RISC-V chip, also 1st competitive AI chip, newly release in Sep. 2018
    • 28nm process, dual-core RISC-V 64bit IMAFDC, on-chip huge 8MB high-speed SRAM (not for XMR :D), 400MHz frequency (able to 800MHz)
    • KPU (Neural Network Processor) inside, 64 KPU which is 576bit width, support convolution kernels, any form of activation function. It offers 0.25TOPS@0.3W,400MHz, when overclock to 800MHz, it offers 0.5TOPS. It means you can do object recognition 60fps@VGA
    • APU (Audio Processor) inside, support 8mics, up to 192KHz sample rate, hardcore FFT unit inside, easy to make a Mic Array (MAIX offer it too)
    • Flexible FPIOA (Field Programmable IO Array), you can map 255 functions to all 48 GPIOs on the chip
    • DVP camera and MCU LCD interface, you can connect an DVP camera, run your algorithm, and display on LCD
    • Many other accelerators and peripherals: AES Accelerator, SHA256 Accelerator, FFT Accelerator (not APU's one), OTP, UART, WDT, IIC, SPI, I2S, TIMER, RTC, PWM, etc.
    • MAix's Module

    Inherit the advantage of K210's small footprint, Sipeed MAIX-I module, or called M1, integrate K210, 3-channel DC-DC power, 8MB/16MB/128MB Flash (M1w module add wifi chip esp8285 on it) into Square Inch Module. All usable IO breaks out as 1.27mm(50mil) pins, and pin's voltage is selectable from 3.3V and 1.8V.

    Sipeed 6+1 Microphone Array for Dock/Go/Bit

    Sipeed 6+1 Microphone Arra is a 6 microphone expansion board for Maix AI development boards designed for AI and voice applications.
    Including 6+1 digital microphones, 12 three-color LEDs, it supports sound localization, beam forming, speech recognition etc.

    MAix's SoftWare

    MAIX support original standalone SDK, FreeRTOS SDK base on C/C++.
    And we port micropython on it: http://en.maixpy.sipeed.com/. It support FPIOA, GPIO, TIMER, PWM, Flash, OV2640, LCD, etc. And it have zmodem, vi, SPIFFS on it, you can edit python directly or sz/rz file to board. We are glad to see you contribute for it:
    https://github.com/sipeed/MaixPy //Maixpy project
    https://github.com/sipeed/MaixPy_Doc_Us_En_Backup //Maixpy wiki project

    MAix's Deep learning

    MAIX support fixed-point model that the mainstream training framework trains, according to specific restriction rules, and have model compiler to compile models to its own model format.
    It support tiny-yolo, mobilenet-v1, and, TensorFlow Lite! Many TensorFlow Lite model can be compiled and run on MAIX! And We will soon release model shop, you can trade your model on it.



    • MAIX不僅是硬體,而且還提供了端到端的硬體+軟體基礎結構,以促進客戶以AI為基準的解決方案的部署。
    • 由於其性能,佔地面積小,低功耗和低成本,MAIX使得可以在邊緣廣泛部署高質量的AI。
    • MAIX不僅僅是硬體解決方案,它還結合了定制硬體,開放軟體和最新的AI算法,可為邊緣提供高質量、易於部署的AI解決方案。
    • MAIX可用於越來越多的工業用例,例如預測性維護、異常檢測、機器視覺、機器人技術、語音辨識等。它可以用於製造、內部部署、醫療保健、零售、智慧空間、運輸等。
    • --------------------------------------------------------------




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      {{'product.product_review.no_review' | translate}}