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FLIR Radiometric Lepton Dev Kit V2 (Lepton 2.5)

FLIR Radiometric Lepton Dev Kit V2 (Lepton 2.5)


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{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
數量 組合數量
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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{{'product.preorder_limit.hint'| translate}}

每筆訂單限購 {{ product.max_order_quantity }} 件

現庫存只剩下 {{ quantityOfStock }} 件



借助FLIR RadiometricLepton®Dev Kit v2,您將能夠利用麵包板為您的Arduino、Raspberry Pi或任何基於ARM的開發工具帶來FLIR的熱成像可靠性和功率。該套件包括一個Breakout以及Lepton®2.5長波紅外線(LWIR)成像器。設置該套件所需要做的全部工作,只需將Lepton®成像器模組連接到提供的Breakout中,連接接頭連接器,在遭遇熱成像物體前,您將立即看到一片漆黑!

The Radiometric Lepton® LWIR module included in each Dev Kit acts as a sort of camera and packs a resolution of 80 × 60 active pixels into a camera body that is smaller than a dime and captures infrared radiation input in its nominal response wavelength band (from 8 to 14 microns) and outputs a uniform thermal image. The Lepton 2.5 can output a factory-calibrated temperature value for all 4800 pixels in a frame irrespective of the camera temperature with an accuracy of +/-5˚C. Meanwhile, each breakout board in these kits provides the socket for the Lepton, on-board power supplies, 25Mhz reference clock (can be by-passed), power efficient 1.2v core voltage (can be by-passed), dual low noise LDO for 2.8V voltage (can be by-passed), 100 mil header for use in a breadboard or wiring to any host system. A few things to consider about this kit: the breakout board will accept a 3-5.5V input and regulate it to what the Lepton® wants, to read an image from the lepton module all you need is an SPI port, and to configure the camera settings you also need an I2C port, although this is not required.

Note: This kit comes in two separate parts and will need to be assembled once received. The Radiometric Lepton module is extremely sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). When inserting it into the breakout board be sure to use proper personal grounding, such as a grounding wrist strap, to prevent damage the module.


    • LWIR sensor, wavelength 8 to 14 μm
    • 50° HFOV, 60° diagonal
    • 80 (h) × 60 (v) active pixels
    • Thermal sensitivity <50 mK
    • Radiometric accuracy (35°C Blackbody) Greater of:
      • High gain: ±5C @ 25°C
      • Low gain ±10C @ 25°C
    • Pixel Size: 17 micrometers
    • Frame Rate: 9 Hz.
    • Output Format: User-selectable 14-bit, 8-bit (AGC applied), or 24-bit RGB (AGC and colorization applied)
    • SPI and I2C camera module interfaces
    • Fast time to image (< 1.2 sec)
    • Low operating power, nominally 150 mW (< 160 mW over full temperature range)
    • Input Voltage of 3V to 5.5V
    • 25-MHz reference clock (can be by-passed)
    • Power Efficient 1.2V core voltage (can be by-passed)
    • Dual Low Noise LDO for 2.8V voltage (can be by-passed)


        • FLIR Lepton® 2.5 - Thermal Imaging Module x1
        • FLIR Lepton® - Breakout Board v2.0 x1




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            • 全家 純取貨 (運費60元)
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            • 銀行轉帳 (請於3日內匯款完成)
            • 信用卡 (金額需要滿三千元才能使用)
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            {{'product.product_review.no_review' | translate}}