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2024暑期研習 報名開始囉!

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SparkFun Pro Micro - RP2040 控制板

SparkFun Pro Micro - RP2040 控制板


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{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
數量 組合數量
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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{{'product.preorder_limit.hint'| translate}}

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現庫存只剩下 {{ quantityOfStock }} 件


SparkFun Pro Micro RP2040 是一款低成本、高性能的控制板,具有靈活的數位介面,採用 Raspberry Pi 的 RP2040 微控制器。除了 Pro Micro 的良好尺寸外,還包括 WS2812B 可定址 LED、啟動鍵、重置鍵、Qwiic 連接器、USB-C、可復位 PTC 保險絲和齒型焊點。

The RP2040 utilizes dual ARM Cortex-M0+ processors (up to 133MHz) and features:

  • 264kB of embedded SRAM in six banks
  • 6 dedicated IO for SPI Flash (supporting XIP)
  • 30 multifunction GPIO
    • Dedicated hardware for commonly used peripherals
    • Programmable IO for extended peripheral support
    • Four channel ADC with internal temperature sensor, 0.5 MSa/s, 12-bit conversion
  • USB 1.1 Host/Device

The RP2040 is supported with both C/C++ and MicroPython cross-platform development environments, including easy access to runtime debugging. It has UF2 boot and floating-point routines baked into the chip. The built-in USB can act as both device and host. It has two symmetric cores and high internal bandwidth, making it useful for signal processing and video. While the chip has a large amount of internal RAM, the board includes an additional 16MB external QSPI flash chip to store program code.


RP2040 General Features

  • Dual Cortex M0+ processors, up to 133 MHz
  • 264 kB of embedded SRAM in 6 banks
  • 6 dedicated IO for QSPI flash, supporting execute in place (XIP)
  • 30 programmable IO for extended peripheral support
  • SWD interface
  • Timer with 4 alarms
  • Real time counter (RTC)
  • USB 1.1 Host/Device functionality
  • Supported programming languages
    • MicroPython
    • C/C++

SparkFun Pro Micro - RP2040 Features

  • Raspberry Pi Foundation's RP2040 microcontroller
  • AP2112 3.3V voltage regulator
  • Support programming languages
    • MicroPython
    • C/C++
  • On-board USB-C connector for programming
    • USB 1.1 Host/Device functionality
  • Built-in Resettable PTC Fuse
  • PTH pads w/ castellated edges
  • 20x multifunctional GPIO Pins
    • 4x 12-bit ADC channels with internal temperature sensor, 0.5 MSa/s, 12-bit
    • 10x PWM channels
    • Serial Peripherals
      • 2x UARTs
      • 1x I2C (Qwiic enabled)
      • 1x SPI
  • Buttons
    • Boot
    • Reset
  • LEDs
    • Power
    • WS2812 Addressable LED
  • 16MB External Flash Memory
  • Dimensions: 1.3in x 0.7in

Note: The GPIO pins are muxed so you can reconfigure the pins for the digital interface of your choice! Check out the RP2040 datasheet for more information on the pins that are broken out on the board.




  • 郵寄掛號 (未滿一千元須加運費60元;會員滿千免運)
  • 順豐速運 (運費100元)
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  • 7-11 純取貨 (運費60元)
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  • 全家 純取貨 (運費60元)
  • 面交自取


  • 銀行轉帳 (請於3日內匯款完成)
  • 信用卡 (金額需要滿三千元才能使用)
  • 全家 取貨付款
  • 7-11 取貨付款
  • 面交付款
{{'product.product_review.no_review' | translate}}